Now that Christmas is officially over and the new year has gone off with a bang, its only a few weeks to go before curtain up!
The countdown to Humpty Dumpty has started and everything is coming together nicely. Most rehearsals are now being done at the Civic Theatre itself, which allows all who are performing to use the whole stage, to be ready for an audience to fill the auditorium!
This year is looking to be a best seller with ticket sales surpassing this time last year, so get in quick to save your favourite seats before they go!
If you wish to book by cheque please download the booking form available on the tickets page. Alternatively you may book by phone, and for this year you may book online using your credit or debit card- thanks to ticketsource! Booking online still allows you to choose your preferred seats and is quick and simple to do. Just visit our tickets page through this link.
This year is going to be a big fun-filled family pantomime, so tell your friends, your family, and even your next door neighbours! As more ‘bums on seats’ means more money to be given away to local groups and charities.
See you there in a few weeks!