So… I’m sat here two weeks on from opening night, after a week of returning back to normality. Some of ‘her’ outfits have been going through the wash, as have ‘her’ fake boobs, and ‘her’ accessories and props have been making their way back to storage, including a whistle, an extendable feather duster, a mop, and an inflatable life guard float…
The week after pantomime is generally a week of recovery, a week of seeing supportive loved ones and a week of catching up on all those jobs that have been put to one side. It is also a time of reflection, a time to reflect on what has been achieved and a time to reflect on what a couple of weeks it’s been. We’ve laughed, we’ve sang, we’ve cried, one of us fell down some stairs, a few of us may have forgotten some lines, a few of us definitely added some extra lines, one or two of us nearly lost our voices, but all of us most definitely had the best time putting on a show that was enjoyed by all of you.
And for that, WE THANK YOU! Thank you for buying your tickets, thank you for buying drinks, sweets and ice-creams, thank you for taking part so enthusiastically during our show, thank you to Luke, Scott, Alastair and the many other men I may have ‘chosen’ during our shows, thank you all for the fantastic reviews and thank you for putting your loose change in the buckets!
This will allow us to donate to some fantastic local groups and causes, to allow them to continue to do their fantastic work in the local community. In the coming months, we will announce exactly how much that we are able to give away this year. Supporting the local community is the reason why we put on our show and we very much look forward to our giveaway evening later in the year.
If you are a local group, organisation, charity or cause that would like to apply for a donation from the money raised during Dick Whittington 2020, then please head here for an application form which is OPEN now –
We’re so glad you enjoyed our show – here’s looking forward to Jack and the Beanstalk 2021!
Dave Allen (AKA ‘Sarah the Cook’)